PT. Indonesia Magma Chain’s 35th Anniversary Event

PT Indonesia Magma Chain (IMC) celebrates its 35th Anniversary by holding a tour to Lake Toba, Medan. This tourism event as well as thanksgiving is a form of gratitude to God Almighty because His grace always accompanies the company step by step for 35 years of journey.

Another thing to be grateful for this year is the achievement of PT Indonesia Magma Chain which has successfully stepped forward to 35 years of standing firmly as a chain industry company. I wish you more success in the years to come, become more widely recognized in the chain industry, and always be the first choice in providing conveyor chain services and products to coal, cement, power plant companies in Indonesia.

At the end of the event, Mr. H.M Pohan as Assistant Director gave the 5-year award as well as cutting the cone as a symbol of gratitude. Pieces of tumpeng were given to Mr. Ir.S.Maruli Pohan, Mr. Sakamoto, Mr. Pantas Sinaga and followed by lunch together with the managers and all employees. He advised that in the following years the discipline and loyalty of employees for the company can be increased again because the success achieved by the company will also be enjoyed by employees.


PT. Indonesia Magma Chain’s 35th Anniversary Event

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